Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Open Letter from Facebook Rant

I've received this “open letter” from several sources recently and I felt like responding to it because for some reason, even after winning the election, the Left voters still seems to be so wound up at the Right that they’re in a raving hysteria of posting embarrassing things all over Facebook. And just to be clever, I’ll use real text since creating an image of a text page seems to be the only
way to transfer data to Facebook for some people.

*We’re ticked off at your….
Of course we start out with baseless and childish name calling followed with the statement that you’re leaving. New York. Please feel free to form your own country made up of all the states that were Blue (this recent election only or will you average the last 5?). That sounds like a brilliant and achievable solution!
*In case you aren't aware…
Next we have a political/ geography lesson with the idea of making the Right crazy jealous because they’d lose Illinois and Washington.

*To sum up…
Next we have a list of random people and places regarding how this new country will be divided from the old. Sorry to say but this doesn't do much when sent as an open letter to folks on the Right. This list would only sound like a win for media obsessed, closed minded liberals who hate Fox News for being biased but believe that their own news source is fair and balanced. I do like how they brag about getting most of the venture capital companies. The Left love those things from what I've seen.

*Since our aggregate divorce rate…
I find it a beautiful thing when someone who is on a rant to make fun of a group of people for their different point of view takes the extra time to include single mothers so that everyone knows that they too are Neanderthal, politically/geographically illiterate, and completely unwanted in the brand new country of ESA!

*With the Blue States…
The fact that the ESA citizen who wrote this letter actually took time to research food production by region while failing to understand how Microsoft would rapidly move their operations to a “red” state or other country that offers them a lower business tax is a true testament to the effort behind the scenes here.

*We get Hollywood…
A little formatting would have put this line up at the top of your “To sum up” list. Not required but it would have looked a little more professional.

*38% of those in the Red….
Where do I start here? 38% believe something different that I believe (can you believe that??). 62% believe something different than I believe (Unreal!!!). 44% believe something different that I believe (this is just getting ridiculous!!!). To sum up, I’d have to say that even though 66% of Americans believe in Climate Change (I know, right??), I respect their beliefs and right to think differently than I do.

*We’re taking the good weed too.
And now we come to the possible cause for this letter and possibly its constant sharing. All we can do now is hope that the Anonymous author (and who wouldn't keep their name off this embarrassing mess) can realize that since the ESA only allows people that think the same way that they do, their population would have to start leaving in droves for a place that’s accepting of differences of opinion and belief. Or at least they can stop posting pictures of their text documents to Facebook so I don’t feel the need to respond to such drivel.
An Anarchist – Cody Carlson

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